Sure-Dry Before & After Photos

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PowerBrace Foundation Wall Repair in Sayner, WI

Don's wall was bowing inward causing the foundation to crack. Sure-Dry installed PowerBrace Foundation Wall Repair System to permanently stabilize his foundation walls and prevent further damage.

Concrete Crack Repairs in Woodruff, WI

Our Sure-Dry Basement Systems team arrived at a home in Woodruff, WI to repair cracks in their concrete garage.

To seal up the cracks we applied our NexusPro Crack Repair, this not only seals up the crack, but prevents it from cracking any further. 

Supporting Block Walls with PowerBraces in Woodruff, WI

After homeowners in Woodruff, WI tried everything they thought of to keep their basement walls from bowing in any further, alas nothing was working so they decided to cede to the experts.

Because this homeowner's yard space on the side of the home was very limited, we knew GeoLocks wouldn't work, which is why we knew the PowerBraces would be the perfect match for their home! PowerBraces made of galvanized steel, which will not mold or rot, will firmly hold the basement wall in place. 

To know their home's foundation is in good condition now, takes one more thing off their plate! 

Waterproofing Basement in Woodruff, WI

This basement in Woodruff had standing water from an old sump pump that wasn't working correctly. Our team inspected his home and confirmed that the current sump pump was inadequate and needed to be replaced. Also, the home needed to have a water control system installed which would help ensure that all water was directed into the pump and out of the house. The Sure-Dry team installed  WaterGuard perimeter French drain system, Drain tile, and a TripleSafe™ Sump Pump System. The TripleSafe Sump Pump System provides three levels of protection for your basement and your peace of mind. An IceGuard® Discharge Line System was also installed to ensure the discharge lines didn't freeze and back up in the winter.

If you are experiencing water problems in your home's basement, contact Sure-Dry today to schedule your free, no-obligation estimate! 


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GeoLocks Installed For Stabilization in Land O' Lakes, WI

Our team took on a free estimate in Land O' Lakes, WI. The homeowners were experiencing bowed walls in their basement and wanted to get them fixed before any major damage took place.

To resolve this issue, we installed 5 GeoLocks on their basement walls. These anchors latch on to the hard, compacted soil outside and pull the way back to its correct standing position. 

Now, these homeowners won't have to worry about any future damage because their home is now protected! 

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Proudly serving Central & Northeast Wisconsin - Green Bay, Oshkosh, Appleton, Wausau