Foundation Wall Repair in Pine River, WI
While there are a number of potential causes of cracked and bowing foundation walls, the most common reason is pressure from foundation soils. When clay soils get wet, they can expand and put tremendous pressure on a wall. When this force exceeds the wall's ability to resist it, the wall begins to fail in different ways. Cracking, bowing and tilting are the most common symptoms of foundation wall failure.
The block foundation wall of this home in Pine River, WI is an example of how pressure from the wet soil surrounding the foundation can cause bowing and cracking.
To permanently stabilize this block foundation wall, Sure-Dry Basement Systems installed their Geo-Lock™ Foundation Wall Anchor System. The Geo-Lock™ Foundation Wall Anchor System permanently stabilizes your basement walls, offering the best opportunity to straighten the walls without the cost and disruption of foundation replacement. Heavy-duty, galvanized earth anchors are embedded in stable, undisturbed soil outside your foundation wall. Each anchor is connected by a steel rod to a wall plate that provides clamping pressure against the inside of the foundation wall. This method also offers the potential to straighten the wall back to its original position.