Photo Album: Keeping Water Out At All Times in Nekoosa, WI
What a pain it is to have hoses and pipes all over your yard that just get in the way and look messy. You would think an easy solution would be to just put the pipes underground, well then they'll just freeze in the winter. This exact problem is what homeowners in Nekoosa, WI were facing and they were out of ideas.
In the summer months, they wouldn't have water issues because they had long hoses to carry the water out away from their house, however, it looked very messy and was a great inconvenience when it came time to mow. They were ready to get this problem solved. So they went online and found us on our webpage and quickly gave us a call. In just a couple of days, we were over and analyzing the problem.
Our excellent crew at Sure-Dry came and installed our IceGuard System. This system is designed to keep hoses and pipes off your nice lawn with an underground pipe called a buried discharge. But not only does it take the pain away of having to deal with hoses, during the winter months when the ground freezes water that travels underground in this buried discharge will eventually freeze and then water will eventually back up into your basement and flood your basement. However, when the buried discharge (the pipe underground) freezes the little slits on the top let water come out and when you see there is water coming out of your IceGuard you will know your buried discharge is frozen and can easily have that fixed which is way more convenient than having your whole basement flood.
Thanks to Sure-Dry these homeowners are at peace of mind knowing they don't have to deal with water freezing and messy hoses.