Photo Album: Job Photos of the Week - 9/30/13

WaterGuard System Installation
Concreting over our WaterGuard system.

Completing WaterGuard Installation
Finished concrete work over WaterGuard system.

New Sump Pump Installation
SuperSump sump pump system installed and ready to be concreted.

Plugged Drain Tile
Homeowner showing us his plugged drain tile.

Stabilizing Foundation
Driving anchor rods through wall to stabilize and straighten the wall.

Repairing Bowing Walls
You can see the stress cracking in the wall where anchors will be installed. This will stabilize the wall from bowing in any further.

Installing Wall Anchors
Anchor plate installed in augured hole and ready to be torqued.

Basement Efflorescence
Basement showing bad signs of efflorescence (white). Efflorescence are the concrete minerals left behind after water has evaporated.

Wall Anchor Prep
Clearing stone out of the way to install an anchor plate.

Anchor Plates
Putting the finishing touches on the anchor plates by torquing them.

Concrete Leveling
Closeup of our concrete leveling gun.

Concrete Lifting with PolyLEVEL
Injecting concrete with PolyLEVEL to lift it back to its original position.