Concrete Driveway Leveled & Repaired in Almond, WI
Kathy was hesitant with the prospect of replacing her driveway, considering its tendency to sink and fall apart. Replacement cost was three times as much as repair and offered no warranty, as opposed to fixing and safeguarding the existing concrete, which remained within her budget and came with a five-year warranty. While Kathy had already received a quote for replacement, the price seemed too steep. Our company was the only one to provide an estimate with a reasonable price. Our solutions made sense to her and addressed the root cause of the sinking concrete. Given the driveways expansive size, replacing just a few slabs would have been expensive and resulted in a checkerboard pattern, given that the new concrete would not match the existing one. Using PolyLevel Injection Foam to correct the issues with the settled concrete allowed us to maintain the same color and tackle the problem effectively.
Sure-Dry utilized PolyLevel Injection Foam to elevate and even out the slabs while also filling any voids present beneath the concrete. This process also assists in compressing any loosely compacted soil fill and safeguards against any drying out that may occur beneath the slab. The joints and cracks were then sealed with NexusPro Joint Sealant to prevent water from infiltrating and causing any future settling or exacerbating existing issues.
Project Summary
Products Installed: PolyLevel Injection Foam
Products Installed: NexusPro Joint Sealant