A Warmer Drier Home Begins Below in Spencer, WI
Residents in Spencer, WI felt that in the winter months when they had the heat going on full-blast, it was still cool in the home. They went down to their crawlspace to see if the problem started in there and they noticed there was standing water all around.
I came in and inspected the 4-foot crawlspace which had obvious evidence of previous high water marks shown on the rusted steel support posts and stained along the poured concrete perimeter.
When our crew approaches creating a dryer, warmer crawlspace, we must first control the water.
To do this, we installed Smart Pipe and a Sump Pump in a Triple Safe crock. This twin liner allows for adding an additional sump and battery back up in the future.
Next, we must create a permanent vapor barrier. For this, we put in our exclusive combination of CleanSpace and drain matting to isolate the home from the wet earth.
Finally, to warm up their home, we completely sealed the metal rim joists areas with 2 inches of sprayed foam insulation.
In addition to being drier and warmer, this home now has 1000 square feet of new usable storage space. Crawlspace encapsulation is one of our most transformative repairs.